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The communication and job satisfaction

  The communication According to the social exchange theory, employee satisfaction is influenced by the company, the leader, and peers (Wang et al., 2020). Employees are able to share intangible resources through communication because of their relationships with managers, colleagues, and the company (Cropanzano & Mitchell, 2005). According to Mehra & Nickerson and Men & Yue (2019), communication is a process of reciprocity and mutual influence that results in interdependent exchanges and boosts sentiments of satisfaction. The organization, the leader, and peers are the other three levels on which communication takes place (Alegre et al., 2016). Employees can share knowledge, establish connections, and learn about business culture and principles through communication, all while fostering positive working relationships with their employers (Men & Bowen, 2017). Employee satisfaction and reciprocity with the company are influenced by the framework of social connecti...

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